Jumat, 24 April 2015


Morning! Guten Morgen! Ohayou! Pagiii! :)

Ceritanya hari ini adalah hari sabtu. Hari ini kebetulan di sekolahku sedang ada seleksi 02SN gitu, jadi banyak sekolah lain yang datang dan ikut bertanding disini. So, berbahagialaaahh because freeee timee :v. Nah, kebetulan guru bahasa inggrisku memberi tugas hari ini teks mengenai uang atau perbankan. Kesulitan banget buat men-translate-kan :v ya secara gitu kan bahasa inggris memang dipelajari tapi bukan berarti setiap hari masyarakat menggunakan bahasa inggris. 

So, aku mau berbagi hasil kerjaku yang mungkin bisa bermanfaat bagi teman-teman, khususnya yang kelas Akuntansi smea hehe :) 

Happy read it!

Money is one of media or instrument who use to payment and can recieve by society. Shape of money can be metal and paper. Tehcnis condition of money are five things. They are: Long endure, Stable of value, Easy going anywhere, Can to share, and  Enough total.
Last time, money had the history, before we used like today, money was not a metal or paper directly. But, began with before barter, barter, things of money, and yes metal and paper of money and because the modern era, we know with giral money, it’s like check, deposito and electronics money.
Money have two general function. They are, original function, such as money  as instrument of change and money as unit to count. And the next, descendant function, such as money as instrument of payment, money use to save the wealth and something like that.
In this era, the people can’t life without money. Because all of activity, all of what people do in the world is use the money. People hard work to get money, students be a smart students to get the nice future and nice job and it also to get money. So, it means that, if money is so important things and people can’t life without money. Because that, the government or financial sectors in the country want to make how the society can get money easily and give comportable for them, it’s with government prepare the general bank, society bank, and also the place we call “koperasi”. All of it is to make society will be easy to get money or save their money safety because money is so impotant things.

Nah, itulah hasil kerjaku. Maaf kalau masih banyak kesalahan grammar dan lainnya. Niatnya cuma berbagi. Thank youuu :*

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